
Alsama/tech and the Alsama Project rely on donations from people like you to continue our work.

With your help, our students can reach their goals. See the impact a one-off or monthly recurring donation can make:

  • $10 per month will enable us to teach one student for a whole year,
  • $30 per month will pay the costs for education support for 100 students (classroom, teaching support staff, electricity etc)
  • $50 per month will pay for the internet connection for the whole school
  • $300 will pay the monthly salary for a part-time IT teacher, employed from the community,
  • $500 will pay for computer equipment that will enable 20 students to study for a year.
  • $1000 will pay for one extra place in our computer lab, giving access to a computer to up to 20 students, so they can study at their rhythm.

Visit AlsamaProject to donate.